EDITOR’S NOTE: You’re about to read “About Kat: The AI Remix.” You can read the original version right here. As I reboot my brand writing, I’ve decided to incorporate ChatGPT more than ever before. Can you guess which prompts I gave ChatGPT to get this condensed, more humorous version of my about page?
I’m Kat, your Encinitas-and-Jersey based writer on a mission to amplify the voices of health and wellness practitioners, founders, and leaders – kind of like a megaphone but much less annoying!
(Yes, I serve clients outside of this industry, and I love them, too.)
Supporting holistic health businesses is a must because my journey into mind-body-spirit wellness has been deeply personal.
A few years back, I faced a months-long respiratory infection. Instead of reaching for a prescription pad, I turned inward. Cue the fasting, juicing, and a raw vegan diet.
I owe a huge shoutout to holistic health practitioners who shared their wisdom online. Thank goodness for their free knowledge! Without it, I might still be wandering the aisles of the local pharmacy…
And I was once a pharmacy technician, but that’s anotha story.
My holistic journey didn’t end there. After years of hormonal imbalances and painful periods, I found relief by ditching sugar (for the most part) and working with an energy therapist. This was a game-changer!
He helped me confront emotions I had buried deeper than the last pair of socks I lost in the dryer. Fun fact: I found him through a YouTube video that matched my Google search. Who knew the internet could lead to enlightenment?
Through this journey, I’ve learned that communication is a vital part of wellness.
As I faced my emotions, I practiced transparent self-expression. And let’s be honest – expressing ourselves can be scary. Especially on the internet. That place can get pretty weird.
But it’s also where the magic happens.
So, if you’re an executive, entrepreneur, or practitioner in the health and wellness world, let’s tackle the friction of expressing ourselves together.
Stay tuned for my Midweek Mixtape, where I share bite-sized messages about entrepreneurship and digital writing. I promise I’ll keep every email short and helpful.
– Kat