I’m Kat

Kat Quintana - KQ Writing Studio

Consider me a creative entrepreneur who’s writing her way toward personal wellness. Both literally and figuratively, I'm picking up the pen and becoming the author of my lifestyle each and every day. And I'm actively supporting fellow entrepreneurs and artists so they can do the same.

I'm a promoter of brands who want to leave the world a bit healthier, happier, and more inspired than before. I teach unconventional professionals how to integrate personal wellness with business success. Because after all, the two are inseparable.

In 2022, I created KQ Writing Studio to:
— provide hands-on entrepreneurial support
— highlight organic content marketing as a pillar of online visibility
— demonstrate how Googleable blog posts boost website traffic

Growing KQ Writing Studio means spending lots of time online telling stories and sharing insights. (Yes, I do TikTok without dancing.) Behind the scenes, I'm balancing the whimsy of songwriting with the technical demands of SEO-friendly content writing.

Want more of my story?



Kat Quintana's childhood
1992 - 2010


The Kid

— Shy Jersey girl who had a wild imagination and loved to sing

— Had no idea what was coming next

Kat Quintana practicing yoga
2011 - 2017


The Student

— Studied human health and life sciences in school

— Started experimenting with yoga, alternative ways of eating, and drying my laundry in the sun

— Had a decently challenging time writing, but scientific research papers meant I HAD to get better at it

— Became a dog walker while finishing up my Master’s degree

— Was acutely aware of my school peers knowing exactly what they wanted to do in life, while I remained curious and driven, but without a plan

Kat Quintana playing guitar


The Songwriter

— Discovered guitar and songwriting. OMG! What is this?! Am I a non-science hippie girl?

— We’ll call this year the “Quarter-Life Crisis”

Kat Quintana traveling cross country


The Traveler

Took my first cross country road trip and realized I’d love to be a bi-coastal woman when I grow up

Kat Quintana in San Diego
2020 - 2021


The West Coaster

— Became a San Diegan, which further activated some dormant hippie tendencies within me

— Dove into the energetic/spiritual connection required to improve my mental health and overall wellness

— Tapped into a passion for supporting entrepreneurs in their personal and professional development journeys

— Wondered how to incorporate blogging and coaching into a successful business idea…swung and missed twice

Kat Quintana's laptop


The Ghostwriter

Started a marketing job and journaled A LOT after being laid off

— Moved back to the East Coast and reconnected with beautiful family

— “The entrepreneurial bug bit me long ago. What should I do about it this time?”

— Bought my WordPress site and launched my independent ghostwriting business: KQ Writing Studio

kq writing studio writing director kat quintana


The Growing Entrepreneur

KQ Writing Studio is expanding its online shop and free resource library so entrepreneurs can elevate their digital marketing strategies at any time

— Working hard to give my future dog baby the life he or she deserves

— The world is my oyster mushroom! Let’s see what happens next…

Hello, fellow business owner!

How do we build aligned business relationships?

By trusting in this profitable model:



Personal wellness and business success run parallel. As you develop your relationship with yourself (emotional intelligence, physical health, mindfulness) you develop the sustainability of your business (lasting revenue, reputation, social impact). The two supper together, and the two suffer together.



I think the only time the wellness-business parallel doesn’t apply is when the business is run by humans who do not prioritize benevolence (fostering kindness, generosity, and empathy). Choosing (or not) to be benevolent translates into the types of products and services you create, the way you deliver them to your audience, and the way you enjoy life (self, humanity, planet earth) along the way.


For a business run by humans who mostly care about lasting revenue — not so much reputation or social impact — the wellness of self, the wellness of humanity, and the wellness of planet earth are easily overlooked. You can smell this oversight from a mile away and taste it with your mouth closed.

So, if you’re wondering where your investments should go — financial legacy or personal legacy — choose both.


Doing starts with being. It pays to know who you are and where you’re going.

Kat Quintana, Writing Director



Robotic and Human Content Marketing Model

Start and build your email list with free and paid email content and digital downloads.


Book clients the organized way, with legal contracts, invoices, notifications, and video call scheduling.


Build your WordPress website so you can own your corner of the internet and start your blog.

Kat Quintana - KQ Writing Studio

Kat Quintana

Kat is an SEO-friendly writer and creative coach from Central New Jersey. Her goal is to collaborate with benevolent humans who run businesses that the internet is bound to love.


In her free time, you can find her dusting off her guitar, because she’s just spent the past 3 million years reading, gaining marketing skills on YouTube, and taking beautiful neighborhood strolls.


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